Oral Presentations

Please find below some guidance for oral presentations during LCIC 2024:

  • Sessions will be 1-hour each and contain 3-4 presentations
  • You will thus have 10 minutes to present and 3-5 minutes to answer questions
  • Session Chairs are asked to keep you within that time limit and stop you if you haven’t finished in time
  • Please make sure you remain in the 10 minutes time limit to allow for other presenters to also have their time
  • Clarifying questions can be answered directly after your presentation while the slides are changed from one presentation to another
  • Other questions can be answered after all presentations have been held unless the chair decided on a different procedure
  • Please try to avoid text-only slides, use images and graphics that provide visual assistance to your presentation
  • Presentation slides have to be uploaded until the 20th of June via this form: https://podio.com/webforms/29587140/2438176
  • We recommend that use use this PRESENTATION TEMPLATE, but you can also use your own. If so, please include THIS LOGO on your slide!

Virtual Presenters:

  • You can live-present your presentation during the session, however
  • We request a pre-recorded version of your presentation until the 20th of June to ensure that your presentation can be shown in case of technical issues! Please upload your file (recorded ppt) here: https://podio.com/webforms/29587140/2438176
  • If you don’t know how to record your presentation, please follow this guide from Microsoft.

Poster Presentations

Each horizontal poster board measure should be DIN A0 or smaller and will be mounted to a pin board. All presentations must be confined to the poster board itself. Computer display equipment, sound or projection equipment, freestanding or three-dimensional displays, demonstrations/experiments, or tables for handout materials are not permitted.

Each author is responsible for mounting his/her material prior to the opening of the conference and for removing it at the end of the day of his / her presentation. Authors are required to hang their posters by 08:45am on the day of their presenting day onto the pin boards that have been assigned to them. We strongly recommend that you plan to start installing your poster no later than 08:25am. At the end of the day poster authors are requested to take down their posters!

Authors should remain with their posters for the duration of the poster session that has been allocated to them. They are expected to display and discuss their results and answer questions from other attendees. FSLCI encourages you to remain close to your poster in the breaks of the conference.

Posters have been numbered by FSLCI as indicated in the program and numbers will be placed in the upper corner of each poster board. These numbers correspond with the number assigned to each poster in the program.

Design Suggestions for Posters:

  • Each horizontal pin poster board measures 118,5 x 146cm, thus there is enough space for an DIN A0 sized poster
  • All posters should feature a title, your name, the name of the institution where the research was performed, and should credit other contributors, as appropriate.
  • Use a crisp, clean design. We recommend that all lettering should be readable from about 1.5m away. Title lettering should be about 5 to 7.5cm. Subheading lettering should be 1.25 to 2.5cm. Text lettering should be approximately 24 points or .625cm.
  • Make illustrations simple and bold, with captions at least 1cm high. Enlarge photos, tables, and charts to show pertinent details clearly.
  • Do not tell the entire research history. Present only enough data to support your conclusions and show the originality of the work.
  • The best posters display a succinct statement of major conclusions at the beginning, followed by supporting text and a brief summary at the end.
  • Displayed materials should be self-explanatory, freeing you for discussion.
  • Posters should be paper poster that can be pinned onto the available poster boards.
  • Utilize other techniques to improve the graphic impact. Use colour to add emphasis and clarity. Simplicity, ease of reading, etc., are more important than artistic flair.
  • Keep in mind that lighting may be dim inside large poster sessions, so make sure your contrasts and colour combinations are easy to read.
  • For ease of transport, make poster elements small enough to package and carry.
  • Pack a sketch of your poster layout, measuring tape, push pins (FSLCI will provide a reasonable supply of push-pins, although it is wise to bring your own), so you can set up your poster quickly. All material must be removable. You may not write, paint, or use paste on the board.
  • You may want to bring handouts of your abstract or copies of your data and conclusions to share with interested viewers. Some authors also provide sign-up sheets to record names and addresses of attendees who might wish more information, reprints, etc. You could for example pin an open envelop next to the poster to collect business cards or supply your own!
  • If you like, you CAN upload your poster in PDF format for virtual presentation via this form: https://podio.com/webforms/29587142/2438177

Virtual Posters:

If you have opted to present your poster virtually during LCIC 2024, then you can choose between various options! On the one hand, we will allow to add recordings / files to the poster session for people to view at their own time. On the other hand we will enable the possibility for participants to join you for a live interactive presentation via our integrated live interaction platform where people can navigate to your poster in the virtual poster session!

You can choose between:

  • a traditional large sized pdf which we can add to the poster session description – though we note that this is not easy to view on most computer displays
  • a recorded PowerPoint presentation with a maximum length of 5mins – please follow the guidelines for PowerPoint presentations outlined above for oral presentations
  • a creative approach to your poster presentations while using tools such as Prezi, PowToon, Visme etc. – please make sure that you have a FILE as an output, e.g. a screen-recording of your presentation, which you can upload! Again, the recording should not be longer than 5min.
  • … anything is possible – as long as you have a FILE as output that you can upload AND your presentation is not longer than 5 min!
  • Virtual posters have to be uploaded until the 20th of June via this form: https://podio.com/webforms/29587142/2438177

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