Workshop Organizer

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Workshop Info

Workshop Title:

From knowledge to action: How can life cycle information better affect change

Date: 28.08.2020

Time: 3:15 – 4:15pm

Workshop Abstract

Past decisions on product design, material selection, technologies have in some cases created unacceptable E&S impacts – e.g., increased solid waste, high carbon/energy using products/materials, human rights impacts, rapidly growing marine litter,…   Many of the recent solutions being proposed are often focused on bans or single solutions – e.g., recycling. Are decision makers asking the right question(s) and how does LCA support identifying and framing those questions?  Are these decisions made with a full understanding of the life cycle consequences of alternatives? How do the decision making processes take into account the broad array of issues/impacts (often beyond regulatory requirements) raised and demand by management, customers, markets and general public. Are the users of LCA results engaged early and throughout the process to maximize understanding and use of the results? Do our decision makers have the information on the full range of impacts along the entire value chain so that any unintended consequences and trade-offs are understood and included?   Is the information provided by the LCA providers in a format that is useful and understandable by the user communities?

The purpose of the interactive workshop is to explore what we have learned from over 30 years of applying LCA to inform decision making, share perspectives on the desired future state on use of LCA information, and will identify actions how best to communicate LCA results in order to accelerate adoption and drive demand. The workshop will address questions, such as:

  • Where do we want to be?
  • What are we now?
  • Is there a need to improve the engagement and communications between the providers and users?
  • How do we get there?

The feedback will be captured and shared with the workshop participants for your use to promote and accelerate the demand of life cycle assessment results.

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