Collaborate, Innovate, Co-Create

LCIC 2022 is a unique and highly diverse conference. During the conference we will not only cover a broad range of topics, but also engage in various conference formats. During each day, we will put a special spotlight with our keynotes and panel discussions on one of our three themes:

  • Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy
  • Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches
  • Implementing Sustainable Innovation through Digitalization

However, the conference will discuss a broader range of sustainability topics, as highlighted by the various sessions and workshops outlined below.

Please note:  All sessions, keynote & panels will be recorded and are accessible for conference participants shortly after the end of the recording of each session and will remain accessible after the conference for conference participants. Workshops & Barcamps will not be recorded!

Find all abstracts here!
Find all poster abstracts here!

Session 01: Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches (1)

Session 02: Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches (2)

Session 03: Life Cycle Innovation in the Chemical Sector

Session 04: Enhancing the Sustainability of the Marine Environment

Session 05: Implementing Sustainable Innovation through Digitalization

Session 06: Innovative Approaches to Assess Sustainability from a Life Cycle Perspective

Session 07: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (1)

Session 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2)

Session 09: Life Cycle Innovation in the Transport and Mobility Sector (1)

Session 10: Life Cycle Innovation in the Transport and Mobility Sector (2)

Session 11: Fostering Regional Sustainable Development through Life Cycle Approaches

Session 12: Addressing the Social Dimension of Sustainability

Session 13: Waste Management from a Life Cycle Perspective

Session 14: Life Cycle Innovation in the Bioeconomy

Session 15: Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy (1)

Session 16: Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy (2)

Session 17: Innovative and Sustainable Business Models

Session 18: Life Cycle Innovation and Eco-Design

Workshop 01: Scope 3 accounting for effective decarbonization strategy

Workshop 02: Discovering 'business model LCA' – a method for decoupling in a business practice

Workshop 03: Challenges and approaches to the implementation of circular plastics by pyrolysis processes

Workshop 04: Automation and Auto-Verification of PCFs for Complex Products

Workshop 05: Building regional models for heavy industries - How to guide and future network

Workshop 06: Requirements of lifecycle assessments for complex digital services in business practice

Workshop 07: Should we combine LCSA and SDG to support decision making? – State of the art, examples and discussion based on the primary industry.

Workshop 08: Environmental Footprint methods (PEF/OEF): what's going on in the transition phase

Workshop 09: Teaching LCA in Higher Education - Reviewing Insights from a Global Study

Workshop 10: Workshop 10: How sustainable are forest products from Africa? The quest for sustainability indicators that go beyond FSC certification!

A new material flow based circularity metric: How can it help the assessment of circular business models? (virtual)

Creating Circular Opportunities with the Circulab Canvas - A hands-on exercise (virtual)

Additional workshops will be announced shortly

We will build this part of the program “on the fly” during LCIC 2022.

You can propose a topic for a group discussion at the start of the conference. We will then let conference participants vote on the proposals and the ones with the most votes get a discussion slot assigned 🙂

No abstract required, just a convincing quick pitch 🙂

TokyoNew YorkBerlinDay 1 | 29.06.2022 | Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches
Track ATrack BTrack CTrack D (Virtual)
09:00Opening Ceremony & Barcamp Organitzation
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Workshop 1: Scope 3 accounting for effective decarbonization strategyWorkshop 2: Discovering ‘business model LCA’ – a method for decoupling in a business practiceWorkshop 3: Challenges and approaches to the implementation of circular plastics by pyrolysis processes
12:30Lunch Break
20:0007:0013:00Lunch BreakVirtual Opening Ceremony
20:3007:3013:30Full Panel on Decarbonizing Industry along the Value Chain
22:0009:0015:00Poster Session 1Virtual Poster Session 1
22:3009:3015:30Coffee BreakVirtual Coffee Break
23:0010:0016:00Session 01: Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches (1)Session 03: Life Cycle Innovation  in the Chemical SectorBarcamp 1Learn more about how to create handprints and pursue NetPositive – Sponsored Virtual Session by SHINE
00:0011:0017:00Session 02: Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches (2)Session 04: Enhancing the Sustainability of Marine EnvironmentBarcamp 2Virtual Barcamp 1

The panel discussion and all sessions are live streamed and thus also available for virtual participants!

TokyoNew YorkBerlinDay 2 | 30.06.2022 | Implementing Sustainable Innovation through Digitalization
Track ATrack BTrack CTrack D (virtual)
09:00Workshop 4: Automation and Auto-Verification of PCFs for Complex ProductsWorkshop 5: Building regional models for heavy industries – How to guide and future networkWorkshop 6: Requirements of lifecycle assessments for complex digital services in business practice
10:30Coffee Break
18:0005:0011:00Keynote 1 & Q&A with Prof. Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency
19:0006:0012:00Poster Session 2Virtual Poster Session 2
19:3006:3012:30Lunch BreakVirtual Lunch Break
20:3007:3013:30Session 05: Implementing Sustainable Innovation through DigitalizationSession 07: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (1)Barcamp 3Virtual Workshop 1: A new material flow based circularity metric: How can it help the assessment of circular business models?
21:3008:3014:30Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle ApproachesSession 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2)Barcamp 4Virtual Barcamp 2
22:3009:3015:30Coffee BreakVirtual Coffee Break
23:0010:0016:00Session 09: Life Cycle Innovation in the Transport and Mobility Sector (1)Session 11: Fostering Regional Sustainable Development through Life Cycle ApproachesBarcamp 5Virtual Barcamp 3
00:0011:0017:00Session 10: Life Cycle Innovation in the Transport and Mobility Sector (2)Session 12: Addressing the Social Dimension of SustainabilityBarcamp 6Virtual Barcamp 4
18:00End of Day

The keynote and all sessions are live streamed and thus also available for virtual participants!

TokyoNew YorkBerlinDay 3 | 01.07.2022 | Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy
Track ATrack BTrack CTrack D (virtual)
09:00Workshop 7: Should we combine LCSA and SDG to support decision making? – State of the art, examples and discussion based on the primary industry.Workshop 9: Teaching LCA in Higher Education – Reviewing Insights from a Global StudyConnecting LCA, innovation and circular economy in the design process: Braskem’s business case | Sponsored by BRASKEM
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Workshop 8: Environmental Footprint methods (PEF/OEF): what’s going on in the transition phaseWorkshop 10: How sustainable are forest products from Africa? The quest for sustainability indicators that go beyond FSC certification!Barcamp 7
18:3005:3011:30Keynote 2 & Q&A with Janez Potocnik, Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel
19:3006:3012:30Lunch Break
20:3007:3013:30Session 13: Waste Management from a Life Cycle PerspectiveSession 14: Life Cycle Innovation in the Bio-EconomyBarcamp 8Virtual Barcamp 5
21:3008:3014:30Session 15: Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy (1)Session 17: Innovative and Sustainable Business ModelsBarcamp 9Virtual Barcamp 6
22:3009:3015:30Session 16: Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy (2)Session 18: Life Cycle Innovation and Eco-DesignBarcamp 10Virtual Barcamp 7
23:3010:3016:30Closing Ceremony
00:0011:0017:00End of Conference

The keynote and all sessions are live streamed and thus also available for virtual participants!

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