Collaborate, Innovate, Co-Create

This year’s conference theme is not a traditional theme highlighting the content of the conference, but more meant as a call for action to come together as a community and collaborate, innovate and co-create not just with fellow life cycle experts, but more broadly with anyone interested in sustainability and systems thinking.

Please find below our complete program! We will soon also share the names of keynote speakers and panelists with you, stay tuned!

Session 1 | Sustainable Innovation through New Technologies & Materials

Session 2 | Sustainable Innovation in the Building Sector

Session 3 | Assessing Recycling Systems from a Life Cycle Perspective

Session 4 | Waste Management from a Lifecycle Perspective

Session 5 | Leveraging Digitalization to Drive Sustainability

Session 6 | Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Product Development

Session 7 | Enhancing Decision-Making through Life Cycle Information

Session 8 | Applying Life Cycle Information for Communication

Session 9 | Driving Sustainable Consumption Through Life Cycle Information

Session 10 | Assessing Regional and Urban Sustainable Development Projects

Session 11 | Addressing the Social Dimension of Sustainability

Session 12 | Innovative Approaches to Assess Sustainability from a Life Cycle Perspective (1)

Session 13 | Innovative Approaches to Assess Sustainability from a Life Cycle Perspective (2)

Session 14 | Sustainable Innovation in the Transport Sector

Session 15 | Pathways towards a Circular Economy

Session 16 | Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector

Workshop 1 | LCA for non LCA experts

Workshop 2 | Eco-Innovation for Sustainable Development

Workshop 3 | How to promote an idea, through the lens of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions assessment process

Workshop 4 | Resource Efficiency and Life Cycle Innovation in the Healthcare Sector

Workshop 5 | Climbing Mount ThriveAbility - Reporting 3.0

Workshop 6 | Let's learn together from selected recent innovations!

Workshop 7 | SSIC

Workshop 8 | Identifying Life Cycle Tools for Regional Sustainable Development

Workshop 9 | Integrating Sustainability Considerations with Business Strategy

Workshop 10 | Feeding the new product development process with LCA input: What works, what doesn't and workarounds

We will build this part of the program “on the fly” directly at the LCIC 2018 itself.

Join us in Berlin, propose a topic for a group discussion, get the votes and you will have the chance to present and discuss your topic!

No abstract required, just a convincing 30sec pitch 🙂

Day 1 | 29.08.2018Day 2 | 30.08.2018Day 3 | 31.08.2018
08:30RegistrationKeynote 2 | Jörg WaldenKeynote 3 | Peter Kershaw
09:00Opening Ceremony & Barcamp OrgPanel Discussion 2 | Digitalization, Blockchain & SustainabilityPanel Discussion 3 | Marine Litter
10:30Coffee BreakCoffee BreakCoffee Break
11:00Keynote 1 | Hugo SchallySlot 5Slot 11
11:30Panel Discussion 1 | Sustainable InnovationSlot 6Slot 12
14:00Slot 1Slot 7Slot 13
15:00Slot 2Slot 8Slot 14
16:00Coffee BreakCoffee BreakClosing Ceremony
16:30Slot 3Slot 9
17:30Slot 4Slot 10
18:30CocktailPoster Session
19:30Gala Dinner


Please note: Slots can either be used for a session with abstracts, a workshop or a spontaneous discussion on a specific topic (barcamp). Slots will be filled with up to 3 parallel activities. Also, please check the detailed daily schedules for the full program including session and workshop titles!

Track ATrack BTrack C
08:30Keynote 3 | Peter Kershaw
09:00Panel Discussion 3 | Marine Litter & LCA
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Session 10 | Assessing Regional and Urban Sustainable Development ProjectsWorkshop 7 | SSICBarcamp Topic 9
12:00Session 11 | Addressing the Social Dimension of SustainabilityWorkshop 8 | Identifying Life Cycle Tools for Regional Sustainable DevelopmentBarcamp Topic 10
14:00Session 12 | Innovative Approaches to Assess Sustainability from a Life Cycle Perspective (1)Workshop 9 | Integrating Sustainability Considerations with Business StrategyFSLCI Education Workshop (FSLCI Academic Parters only)
15:00Session 13 | Innovative Approaches to Assess Sustainability from a Life Cycle Perspective (2)Workshop 10 | Feeding the new product development process with LCA input: What works, what doesn’t and workaroundsFSLCI Education Workshop (FSLCI Academic Parters only)
16:00Closing CeremonyFSLCI Education Workshop (FSLCI Academic Parters only)
17:00FSLCI Education Workshop (FSLCI Academic Parters only)
18:00FSLCI Education Workshop (FSLCI Academic Parters only)

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If you would like to get in touch with us, please feel free to send us a message. Thank you very much in advance.


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