A bottom-up approach to promote application of life cycle procedures at regional level

Session 11: Fostering Regional Sustainable Development through Life Cycle Approaches
The use of life cycle methodologies in public administration is gradually growing even though there are major obstacles to their application [1]. Chief among these is lack of familiarity in regions with life cycle methods...

A life cycle assessment of electric and conventional motorcycles in Taiwan

Session 09: Life Cycle Innovation in the Transport and Mobility Sector (1)
Combustion driven motorcycles are an important mode of transportation, especially in Asia, where they contribute up to 60% of the total road traffic share. Given their small size and versatility, they help to ease congestion...

Achieving the sector goals of footprint reduction for road transportation – is there a way to net zero?

Session 01: Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches (1)
Until 2030, the German sector of transportation may only emit 43,5 % of the greenhouse gases referring to 1990. Within this context, all logistical activities in Germany, especially the transport logistics, have to become more...

Advancing LCA practice and consistency in Biogenic carbon accounting

Session 01: Supporting the journey towards net zero and beyond with Life Cycle Approaches (1)
Bio-based chemicals and polymer products have potential to play a central role in decarbonization of petrochemical industry and deliver the cascaded value to downstream users of the products. Standardization of biogenic carbon accounting in various...

Application of LCA in reporting on ESG disclosures

Session 17: Innovative and Sustainable Business Models
In recent years, there is heightened engagement and disclosures linked to ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) aspects of companies. This is also linked to an increasing need for manufacturers to provide transparent information to various...

Application of Product Social Impact Assessment at portfolio level

Session 12: Addressing the Social Dimension of Sustainability
Social metrics are gaining relevance for organizations striving to make credible and meaningful impact on sustainable development. The development and application of social metrics guidance and tools is needed, also in the view of future...

Assessing an industrial bio-based network in Central Germany with an integrated life cycle approach

Session 14: Life Cycle Innovation in the Bio-Economy
Over the last five years, the Department of Bioenergy at UFZ has developed a series of life-cycle-based for assessing the bioeconomy system, establishing a toolbox for systems analysis that combines traditional life cycle methodologies with...

Assessing environmental implications of circular economy in the agri-food sector by integrating circularity in LCA

Session 15: Applying Systems Thinking to guide the transition towards a regenerative Circular Economy (1)
The shift from a linear to a circular economy (CE) is aimed at reducing environmental impacts and saving natural resources. A growth in population, the resulting increase in food demand, and high levels of wasted...

Assessing potential social impacts of an emerging technology: opportunities and criticalities

Session 12: Addressing the Social Dimension of Sustainability
The topic of social sustainability of products or services is increasingly discussed in research, companies and among policy makers. The new UNEP SETAC 2020 guidelines, concerning the development of a Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA),...

Assessing the Social Dimension in Strategic Network Design: The Case of Bioethanol Production in the EU

Session 12: Addressing the Social Dimension of Sustainability
Unlike product-specific or site-specific assessments, corporate or political sustainable decision-making on a strategic and multi-regional level, by nature, relies heavily on aggregated and often generic data. In contrast to the environmental dimension, the complexity of...

Clustering and random forest classification of Canadian egg farms based on life cycle environmental impacts

Session 07: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (1)
The life cycle environmental impacts of egg production systems have decreased compared to historical levels (Pelletier 2018). Key to further reductions is an understanding of differences in impacts between farms, and what variables drive these...

Consequential life cycle assessment of wood cascading: exemplified for the German waste wood market

Session 13: Waste Management from a Life Cycle Perspective
Its contribution to the bioeconomy and to climate change mitigation is likely to increase the future demand for wood. In this context, wood cascading represents a promising concept to increase the efficiency of wood utilization....

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