Assessing the efficiencies of technological and non-technological strategies in achieving net zero emissions in the building sector

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Poster Number:  V-10 

Main Presenter:    Sogand Shahmohammadi 

Co-Authors:   Ben Amor                                               

There is an urgent need for the building sector to move to a zero-carbon emission model, due to the high carbon emissions that buildings produce and their impact on climate change. Studies are mainly concentrated on the technological strategies that could be employed to achieve this goal, such as the use of low-carbon materials. This raises a question: Does the consideration of technological strategies alone lead to the decarbonization of buildings, or non-technological strategies such as behavior changes (e.g., flexible heating) are also necessary? Although recent research mentioned the benefits of the latter for decarbonizing buildings, there is a lack of studies to assess the potential of non-technological strategies for reducing these emissions and compare these two paradigms i.e., technological and non-technological strategies to each other.
In this project, two non-technological scenarios (an adapted house for occupying a second household and occupants’ behavioral changes), and three technological scenarios (using low-carbon materials, envelop retrofitting scenario, and using recycled materials) are investigated. A regular single-family house which accounts for a considerable share of the residential buildings in Quebec is a reference scenario for this assessment. To this end, LCA is used to compare the primary results from these scenarios with the reference house. It is expected that the adapted house can bring higher efficiency compared to the technological scenarios. Accomplishing this project can act as a preliminary basis for investigating the most efficient solution to reduce carbon emissions in the building sectors.

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