A new architecture for scaling and sharing LCA data

Traditional unit processes have a number of attributes that reduce their suitability for LCA at scale. They need to be complete, so the barriers for data entry and consistency are high. They can only include...

Data Ecosystems and Business Ecosystems for enabling Sustainable Product Management: a literature-based investigation

Data ecosystems have gained increased interest as they allow for exchanging product life cycle data within production and consumption systems (Pietron et al., 2023). Such data is of interest to support actions and strategies related...

Collaborative way of working with EU Environmental footprint

Sharing learnings from ten years of working with a national Expert group on Environmental footprint, consisting of experts from authority, industry and universities. Swedish Life Cycle Centers hosts the group that serves as a forum...

Life cycle competences to drive life cycle innovations

Session 11: Fostering Regional Sustainable Development through Life Cycle Approaches
The Swedish Life Cycle Center brings together Swedish life cycle competence and front-running companies. It has been instrumental in developing and adopting life cycle approaches in the Swedish society, whilst making important contributions to international...

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