EXIOBASE news: EUROSTAT compatibility and linking with LC-IMPACT/UNEP-GLAM for biodiversity impact assessment

Main Presenter:    Konstantin Stadler 

Co-Authors:   Martin Dorber     Francesca Verones      Richard Wood                                    

Assessing our progress for climate change mitigation and environmental sustainability requires a globally consistent accounting framework merging economic activities with each environmental consequences.

EXIOBASE, an Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output database (EE-MRIO), provides such an top-level view on our global economy. Of the few available EE-MRIOs, EXIOBASE stands out by its high sector detail, availability in industry and product classification and SEEA compatibility. Environmental and social data connected to the MRIO system include multiple GHG and non GHG emissions, land/water/material use, employment data by gender and skill level, energy use and supply as well as eutrophication accounts.

With these data, detailed analysis of the environmental consequences of our economic activities are possible, ranging from assessing environmental performance of households, global supply chain analysis, toxicity and biodiversity footprints as well as greening potentials of different labour sectors. In addition, EXIOBASE data can be used for the calculation of Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emission factors, covering 200 commodities and 163 industries for all major economies for GHG protocol consistent accounting.

EXIOBASE is the outcome of three subsequent EU FP6/7 projects (EXIOPOL, CREEA, DESIRE) and currently maintained by the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU. In the upcoming next release, we changed the underlying source data for the Supply-Use tables from national agency data to EUROSTATs official Multi-Regional Supply-Use database FIGARO. This implies, that the new EXIOBASE release is compatible with the FIGARO data, but of course provide a much higher level of sectorial detail. In the presentation we will give an overview of these current updates on the EXIOBASE data pipeline, including guidance on the data reliability on the more up-to-data and now-casted data points.

Two ongoing European Horizon projects, BAMBOO and RAINFOREST, make use of EXIOBASE data to assess the environmental consequences of different policy options for reducing biodiversity impacts. To do so, EXIOBASE will be linked with the impact assessment method LC-IMPACT and the UNEP-GLAM recommendation. We will present the Open Source tool-chain for linking EXIOBASE with these novel impact assessment methods and present some first results.

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