Session 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2)

Session 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2) Session Chair: Niels Jungbluth Abstract TitlesSpeakersLite NEST – A sustainability decision support tool for Canadian egg farmersVivek ArulnathanIndustrial vs artisanal spirulina: Towards a healthier and more sustainable ‘superfoods’ sectorAna Fernández-RíosLife cycle assessment of novel...

Industrial vs artisanal spirulina: Towards a healthier and more sustainable ‘superfoods’ sector

Session 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2)
Environmental degradation and food insecurity are two of the greatest challenges of our time, and its adverse effects undermine the world’s ability to achieve sustainable development. The strong interrelationship between these problems inflicts secondary damages...

Life cycle assessment of novel plant products compared to animal products

Session 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2)
Objective of the study Meat and animal products have been identified as a major driver of environmental impacts in the food sector. Traditional simple vegan products like legumes often show considerably lower environmental impacts but...

Lite NEST – A sustainability decision support tool for Canadian egg farmers

Session 08: Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector (2)
Eggs are an increasingly popular food choice worldwide, including in Canada. Despite growing considerably over the past half century, the modern Canadian egg industry achieves considerably higher productivity, resource efficiency and animal health outcomes relative...

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