Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle Approaches

Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle Approaches Session Chair: Alberto Bezama Abstract TitlesPresentersThe potential of data-science approaches for improving data collection, exchange, and analysis in Life Cycle AssessmentMagdalena RuschProspects of integrating ecosystem services into Life Cycle Assessment: application to a Mediterranean...

Life Cycle Models as digital solution to assess sustainability and support industrial decision-making processes – Example of innovative biobased materials

Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle Approaches
Sustainability has become an essential criterion in today's corporate decision-making processes. In addition, the EU Green Deal, for example, has set important framework conditions. This additionally increases the complexity of decision-making processes and thus the...

Prospects of integrating ecosystem services into Life Cycle Assessment: application to a Mediterranean vineyard

Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle Approaches
Life cycle assessment is a powerful tool to compare the environmental impacts of different systems along the stages of agriculture production. However, when it comes to representing the multifunctional aspects of agriculture, LCA has shown...

LCA cartography using network analysis

Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle Approaches
In this talk you will learn about applying network analysis to life cycle assessment databases, and create a map of the processes that are most integral, which influence results most strongly, and note where data...

The potential of data-science approaches for improving data collection, exchange, and analysis in Life Cycle Assessment

Session 06: Innovative Ways to Assess Sustainability with Life Cycle Approaches
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is dependent on accurate and high-quality data from the entire product lifecycle. The lack of such product and process data can make LCAs inaccurate. Moreover, data-driven decisions based on these results...

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