Workshop 10: Sustainable battery recycling through the digital product passport: Integration of social factors

A digital battery passport (DBP) contains information on all applicable sustainability and life cycle requirements based on a comprehensive definition of sustainable batteries. Therefore, a DBP can be beneficial for a Social Life Cycle Assessment...

Screening Social Hotspots of Energy Storage Systems for Application in Japan

Energy storage systems (ESS) are increasingly crucial in Japan due to a higher penetration of renewable energy. Besides pumped hydro, supercapacitors, fuel cells, compressed air, or flywheels, battery ESS are predicted to play a vital...

Application of LCA in reporting on ESG disclosures

Session 17: Innovative and Sustainable Business Models
In recent years, there is heightened engagement and disclosures linked to ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) aspects of companies. This is also linked to an increasing need for manufacturers to provide transparent information to various...

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