Measuring the sustainability of natural hazard resilient cities: developing a computational framework

Resilience to natural hazards in the built environment is essential to ensure sustainable cities. Climate change is expected to modify expected resilience needs and require adapting current and future buildings. Yet, measuring the environmental impacts...

Holistic and Integrated Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment in Bioeconomy

Session 14: Life Cycle Innovation in the Bio-Economy
Currently the social, environmental and economic risks and challenges of the bioeconomy are becoming increasingly the subject of applied sustainability assessments. Based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, further approaches were developed whereby life...

Assessing the Social Dimension in Strategic Network Design: The Case of Bioethanol Production in the EU

Session 12: Addressing the Social Dimension of Sustainability
Unlike product-specific or site-specific assessments, corporate or political sustainable decision-making on a strategic and multi-regional level, by nature, relies heavily on aggregated and often generic data. In contrast to the environmental dimension, the complexity of...

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